offer nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

offer nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm offer giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của offer.

Từ điển Anh Việt

  • offer


    * danh từ

    sự đưa tay ra, sự tỏ ra sẵn sàng cho, sự tỏ ra sẵn sàng làm

    sự chào hàng

    sự trả giá

    lời dạm hỏi, lời đề nghị, lời ướm, lời mời chào

    * ngoại động từ

    biếu, tặng, dâng, hiến, cúng, tiến

    to offer someone something: biếu ai cái gì

    xung phong (nghĩa bóng), tỏ ý muốn, để lộ ý muốn

    to offer to help somebody: xung phong, giúp đỡ ai

    đưa ra bán, bày ra bán (hàng)

    giơ ra, chìa ra, đưa ra mời

    to offer one's hand: giơ tay ra (để bắt)

    to offer a few remarks: đưa ra một vài câu nhận xét

    đưa ra đề nghị

    to offer a plan: đưa ra một kế hoạch, đề nghị một kế hoạch

    dạm, hỏi, ướm

    * nội động từ


    xảy ra, xảy đến, xuất hiện

    as opportunity offers: khi có dịp (xảy ra)

    to offer battle

    nghênh chiến

    to offer resistance

    chống cự

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • offer

    the verbal act of offering

    a generous offer of assistance

    Synonyms: offering

    something offered (as a proposal or bid)

    noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds

    Synonyms: offering

    make available or accessible, provide or furnish

    The conference center offers a health spa

    The hotel offers private meeting rooms

    present for acceptance or rejection

    She offered us all a cold drink

    Synonyms: proffer

    put forward for consideration

    He offered his opinion

    offer verbally

    extend my greetings

    He offered his sympathy

    Synonyms: extend

    make available for sale

    The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week

    propose a payment

    The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting

    Synonyms: bid, tender

    produce or introduce on the stage

    The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear' this month

    present as an act of worship

    offer prayers to the gods

    Synonyms: offer up

    threaten to do something

    I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal


    crack: a usually brief attempt

    he took a crack at it

    I gave it a whirl

    Synonyms: fling, go, pass, whirl

    volunteer: agree freely

    She volunteered to drive the old lady home

    I offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it

    put up: mount or put up

    put up a good fight

    offer resistance

    Synonyms: provide

    extend: make available; provide

    extend a loan

    The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages

    propose: ask (someone) to marry you

    he popped the question on Sunday night

    she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months

    The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman

    Synonyms: declare oneself, pop the question