shouted nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

shouted nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm shouted giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của shouted.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • shouted

    in a vehement outcry

    his shouted words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises

    Synonyms: yelled


    shout: utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking)

    My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout

    Antonyms: whisper

    shout: utter a sudden loud cry

    she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle

    I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me

    Synonyms: shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo, squall

    exclaim: utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy

    `I won!' he exclaimed

    `Help!' she cried

    `I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost

    Synonyms: cry, cry out, outcry, call out, shout

    abuse: use foul or abusive language towards

    The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket

    The angry mother shouted at the teacher

    Synonyms: clapperclaw, blackguard, shout

Chưa có Tiếng Việt cho từ này, bạn vui lòng tham khảo bản Tiếng Anh. Đóng góp nội dung vui lòng gửi đến (chúng tôi sẽ có một phần quà nhỏ dành cho bạn).