voting nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

voting nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm voting giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của voting.

Từ điển Anh Việt

  • voting


    * danh từ

    sự bỏ phiếu, sự bầu cử, sự biểu quyết

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • voting


    vote: a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative

    there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion

    they allowed just one vote per person

    Synonyms: ballot, balloting

    vote: express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote

    He voted for the motion

    None of the Democrats voted last night

    vote: express one's choice or preference by vote

    vote the Democratic ticket

    vote: express a choice or opinion

    I vote that we all go home

    She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant

    vote: be guided by in voting

    vote one's conscience

    vote: bring into existence or make available by vote

    They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia