foiled nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

foiled nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm foiled giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của foiled.

Từ điển Anh Việt

  • foiled

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Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • foiled


    foil: enhance by contrast

    In this picture, the figures are foiled against the background

    thwart: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

    What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge

    foil your opponent

    Synonyms: queer, spoil, scotch, foil, cross, frustrate, baffle, bilk

    foil: cover or back with foil

    foil mirrors

    defeated: disappointingly unsuccessful

    disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions

    their foiled attempt to capture Calais

    many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers

    his best efforts were thwarted

    Synonyms: disappointed, discomfited, frustrated, thwarted