obstructed nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

obstructed nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm obstructed giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của obstructed.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • obstructed

    shut off to passage or view or hindered from action

    a partially obstructed passageway

    an obstructed view

    justice obstructed is not justice

    Antonyms: unobstructed


    obstruct: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

    His brother blocked him at every turn

    Synonyms: blockade, block, hinder, stymie, stymy, embarrass

    obstruct: block passage through

    obstruct the path

    Synonyms: obturate, impede, occlude, jam, block, close up

    Antonyms: free

    obstruct: shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight

    The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage

    The trees obstruct my view of the mountains

    Synonyms: block

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