healed nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?

healed nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm healed giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của healed.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • healed


    mend: heal or recover

    My broken leg is mending

    Synonyms: heal

    heal: get healthy again

    The wound is healing slowly

    bring around: provide a cure for, make healthy again

    The treatment cured the boy's acne

    The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to

    Synonyms: cure, heal

    cured: freed from illness or injury

    the patient appears cured

    the incision is healed

    appears to be entirely recovered

    when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium"- Normon Cameron

    Synonyms: recovered

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